Choosing shifts
Select date, click '+Shift'
Select preferred shift and role i.e. rider, night shift (Day Shifts are Weekend and Bank Holiday only.
If you are willing to use your own car instead of a fleet vehicle, please choose this option.
Select: Create Draft Shift
If someone else has already chosen that duty, please see if you can choose another date
If you can't choose another date, add the duty anyway and the Rota Manager will address the issue
Please enter shifts up to 6 weeks ahead.
No shift is confirmed until it is 'Published' by the Rota Manager. You will receive a confirmation email
Consecutive shifts
Current NBB guidelines restrict Members to a maximum of 3 consecutive shifts.
You may create multiple consecutive ‘draft’ shifts, but they will only be authorised up to a maximum of in one ‘run’.
Vehicle allocation
When requesting shifts, please consider the mileage, fuel costs and transfer time of vehicles. If you are offering to do multiple shifts please try to group them together.
Holidays (not available)
If you are away and unavailable for any duty for a period, please consider entering this as UNAVAILABLE.
Select the start date, choose unavailable and add the end date.
Fund Raises
Once a Fund Raising Event has been identified by email or calendar please enter your willingness and available times.